Sunday, September 24, 2017

4.08 Weekly Info: Sept. 25-29

4.08 September 25-29, 2017
Spelling: Plural Nouns
Each week, students are expected to know what the words mean, be able to use them, and be able to spell them for their test on Friday.  Your test Friday will have 20 words: this week’s words plus some of the previous weeks’ words.
Monday: Make each word plural.  Write your spelling words correctly in your agenda.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Work on your spelling choice extra credit if completing (due Thursday).
Thursday: Study all 15 words and review previous weeks’ words!  If possible, take a practice spelling test, either on paper or at (LOGIN THROUGH CLEVER!)
  • A singular noun names one person, place, thing, or idea.
  • A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea.
  • Most plural nouns are formed by adding –s or –es.
  • Add –es to form the plural of singular nouns that end in s, sh, ch, or x.
  • To form the plural of nouns ending in consonant and y, change the y to an i and add –es.
  • To form the plural of nouns ending in a vowel and y, add –s.

Add the correct ending to make each word plural.
1.   bench__________
2.   friend__________
3.   pass__________
4.   patio__________
5.   radio__________
6.   buzz__________   
7.   echo__________  
8.   donkey__________
9.   tomato__________
10.  bush__________
11. valley__________
12. battery__________
13. tax__________
14. picture__________
15. century__________

Vocabulary: Figurative Language
        Students are expected not only to know the definition of each vocabulary word but to be able to use them.  This week, students will need to identify examples of each type of figurative language.  Complete vocabulary match on Monday.  
Study nightly!  Practice at  Finish vocabulary choice extra credit if completing over these words (due Thursda).  The test will be Friday.  
alliteration hyperbole idiom metaphor onomatopoeia personification pun simile

1.  ___________________________________: (n) comparing two unlike things using like or as

2.  ___________________________________: (n) same beginning sound

3.  ___________________________________: (n) extreme exaggeration

4.  ___________________________________: (n) sound word

5.  ___________________________________: (n) giving human-like qualities to things (non-humans)

6.  ___________________________________: (n) comparing two unlike things directly

7.   ___________________________________: (n) commonly undertood usage of language; an expression that cannot be understood from the literal meaning of its separate words

8.  ___________________________________: (n) deliberate wordplay based on ambiguity; a humorous way of using words so that more than one meaning is suggested

Grammar: parts of speech: nouns; punctuation: comma usage

Reading Skills: story elements

Social Studies: European Explorers
IXL: ELA B.1-3, A.1-7, K section; Math W, X, Y, & Z
(In case you’d like to practice at home, these are our focus standards.)


Math: Measurement
-Understand relationships between gallons, cups, quarts and pints
File:Volume measurements from The New Student's Reference Work.svg ...

MATH HOMEWORK:  Students have one column of math problems daily, Monday-Thursday.  They get class time to work on them, so their homework is ONLY what they do not finish.

Upcoming Events:
9/25    MAKE UP SCHOOL DAY!  We will be rescheduling our conferences.    Please go to either: for Mrs. Cook’s homeroom students or to  for Mrs. Dyer’s homeroom students.
9/28 School Pictures; Our School Bank opening day and each Thursday until spring
9/29 CPA intro paragraph due; SnoCone Sales
Free vector graphic: Pumpkin, Jack-O-Lantern - Free Image on ...

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Important Info 9/19

We are getting back on track after missing the two days of school last week.  Lots of papers have gone home in Tuesday folders.  Please keep the benchmark letter.  SIGN AND RETURN PROGRESS REPORTS.

Please schedule a conference with your child's homeroom teacher.  (We will both try to meet with you if we can.  Rest assured that we will be both providing updates on your child's progress.)  To schedule with Mrs. Dyer, please go to and with Mrs. Cook, go to Thanks for your help with this! We are trying to meet with each of you before Thanksgiving.

Upcoming events:
9/21 Play @ YHC
9/22 CPA topic web due (Google ELA classroom); Box Tops due for cotton candy reward!
9/28 School pictures
10/7 Fall Festival

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


This Friday, we will take the Wonder part 3 vocabulary quiz (last week's words).  The words I posted for this week will roll over to next week.  NO language arts review this week (it too will roll over).

We started CPA research today.  Students are encouraged to research at home, through the public library, etc.  The topic web has been posted in Google Classroom ELA.

The Parent CPA Workshop has been moved to Tuesday, 9/19, at either 8, 12, or 6 in the Panther Den (downstairs in the main building).

In math, we are working on measurement this week, including conversions (both metric and standard).  No homework this week due to the shortened week, but please keep practicing those basic facts (Reflex or flashcards).

Sunday, September 10, 2017

4.06 Weekly Info: Sept. 11-15

NO SCHOOL MONDAY because of the state-wide state of emergency!  We will adjust our schedule accordingly as needed.

4.06 September 11-15, 2017
Spelling: Compound Words
Each week, students are expected to know what the words mean, be able to use them, and be able to spell them for their test on Friday.  Your test Friday will have 20 words: this week’s words plus some of the previous weeks’ words.
Monday: Write your spelling words correctly in your agenda.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Work on your spelling choice extra credit if completing (due Thursday).
Thursday: Study all 15 words and review previous weeks’ words!  If possible, take a practice spelling test, either on paper or at (LOGIN THROUGH CLEVER!)

1.   staircase
2.   undertake
3.   uproar
4.   anchorman
5.   background
6.   overheard   
7.   fearsome  
8.   understand
9.   throughout
10.  windshield
11. tiresome
12. mistletoe
13. skyscraper
14. inactive
15. yourself

Grammar: parts of speech: nouns

Reading Skills: story elements

Social Studies: Native American studies/class project
IXL: ELA A.1-7; K section Math W, X, Y, & Z
(In case you’d like to practice at home, these are our focus standards.)

Science: How are Planets and Stars Different?  Are planets made of rock or gas?

Upcoming Events:
9/12    Progress Reports (sign & return); Benchmark Report (keep at home)
9/15 SnoCone sales ($1)
9/21 Field trip to YHC for play
9/25    No School/Parent Teacher Conference Day
9/28 School Pictures

Vocabulary: Study Wonder Section 3 for upcoming test!

Wonder Section 4
        Students are expected not only to know the definition of each vocabulary word but to be able to use them in context (in sentences).  Complete vocabulary match on Tuesday.  
Study nightly!  Practice using the words in sentences.  Finish vocabulary choice extra credit if completing over these words (due Friday). Test day will be announced.
 empathy  impressionable  interjects  protocol  restrain retrospect stringent taciturn

1.  ___________________________________: (n) thinking about the past or something that happened in the past

2.  ___________________________________: (adj) easy to influence

3.  ___________________________________: (adj) very strict or severe

4.  ___________________________________: (n) a system of rules that explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal situations

5.  ___________________________________: (n) the feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences or emotions; the ability to share someone else’s feelings

6.  ___________________________________: (v) to interrupt what someone else is saying with a comment, remark, etc.

7.   ___________________________________: (adj) tending to be quiet; not speaking frequently

8.  ___________________________________: (v) to prevent (a person or animal) from doing something or from moving by using physical force

Math: Geometry & Measurement
-Area of rectangular figures by decomposing them into smaller rectangles
-Perimeter of rectangles in a real world situations  
-Relative size within a system:       km, m, cm         kg, g         lb, oz         l, ml          hr, min, sec

MATH HOMEWORK:  Students have one column of math problems daily, Monday-Thursday.  They get class time to work on them, so their homework is ONLY what they do not finish.  

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Native American Day

Today Mr. Dyer and his mom, the other Mrs. Dyer (or Ms. BJ), came to class to share some of their Native American artifacts that they have collected over the years.

 (The pieces above and below have all been found in Union County.)

*If your child brought home any small artifacts, please let me know and return them to school!  This was "show and tell," not "show and take."  Thank you!