Monday, May 14, 2018

Weekly Info: May 14-18

This week:
5/15 4th Grade end-of-year party @ Meeks (10-1; parent involvement at noon): Please bring a beach towel to sit on.  Students may bring soft outdoor toys (Nerf-style) or whiffle-style toys.
5/16 STEM Day in Mrs. Cook's room
5/17 Spring Fling yearbook signing (more info Wednesday due to weather); please RSVP for class cookout on 5/21
5/18 Sparkle & Shine Day

Next week:
5/21 Circus Day; class cookout at Meeks @ 6PM
5/22 Camp Out
5/23 4th Field Day (12-2)
5/24 Water Day
5/25 Last day; talent show; early release!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Two Events (RSVP Requested)

Feel free to click on the images below to read more about two upcoming end-of-year parties!  Both flyers/invitations went home today in purple folders.
Please note that we will be partying and playing at Pavilion 3 by the gazebo at the very bottom of Meeks Park.  (Your child should have changed the location on your flyer.)

Please fill out, cut off, and return the bottom portion of both invitations.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Week 35: May 4-11

Click HERE for the weekly info sheet!  Spelling and vocabulary has been loaded into Spelling City (although it seemed to be down this afternoon for some reason.)

Don't forget to wear sneakers Friday for our field trip to the Experiment Station.  Sunscreen and bug spray might be good to add to your morning routine on Friday.  Also, there will NOT be a Sno Cone fundraiser on Friday after all.

Friday, May 4, 2018

SS Extra Credit: Voting

This year in social studies we have studied the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights.  We also learned about many of our rights and our civic responsibilities.  Your child can earn extra credit in social studies by going with you to vote.  Students need to write a paragraph that either

  • describes the voting process (going to the precinct, showing ID, etc.).
  • how early voting works.
  • explains how a primary election works.
This assignment is due NO LATER THAN 5/21.  (You will have to go to the courthouse for early voting, but I must have grades by 5/21.  Thank you!)

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Students have worked VERY hard to be successful on their Milestones!  Thursday is the final math test.  Keep going strong!  We will have a reward PJ party on Friday.  Feel free to send in board games and a special individual drink and/or snack.  Also, there will be a bake sale Friday ($1 items).