Monday, October 30, 2017

This Week: Oct. 30-Nov. 3 (Week 12)

Spelling AND Vocabulary: Greek Roots ped/pod 👣 and port 🚚
Each week, students are expected to know what the words mean, be able to use them, and be able to spell them for their test on Friday.  Your spelling test Friday will have 20 words: this week’s words plus some of the previous weeks’ words.  Your vocabulary test will use these words plus may include review words.
Monday: Write spelling words in agenda and complete vocabulary match.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Work on your spelling and/or vocabulary choice extra credit if completing (due Thursday).
Thursday: Study this week’s words and review previous weeks’ words!  Finish cursive practice (on the back of the language review sheet).  If possible, take a practice spelling and vocabulary test, either on paper or at (LOGIN THROUGH CLEVER!)
deport import pedestrian pedicure pedometer
podiatrist portable teleport transport tripod

1. ________________________________________: (n) a support or stand for a camera or telescope that has three
2. ________________________________________: (n) a person walking in a city or along a road; drivers must
yield to them at crosswalks
3.  ________________________________________: (n) a doctor who treats injuries and diseases of the foot

4.  ________________________________________: (n) a treatment to improve the appearance and health of the
feet and toenails
5.  ________________________________________: (n) a device that measures the distance a person travels by
6. ________________________________________: (n) easy to carry or move around

7. ________________________________________: (v) to bring a product into a country to be sold

8. ________________________________________: (v) to force a person who is not a citizen to leave a country

9.________________________________________: (v) to take or carry people or goods from one place to another
by means of transportation
10. ________________________________________:  (v) an imaginary phenomenon in which a person or object is moved across a distance instantly

Grammar: parts of speech: verbs, progressive verbs, order of adjectives

Reading Skills: plot, characterization & figurative language

Social Studies: The 13 Colonies/British Colonial America
History of Virginia - Wikipedia


Multiplication & Division of
Whole Numbers
2 digit by 2 digit multiplication
Extra Practice on these skills- in Little G Math Book- pages 79-88 (not required.)MATH HOMEWORK:  Students have one column of math problems daily.


Upcoming Events:
10/31 CPA for the judges 🍀
11/2 Picture retakes
11/7 Spirit wear orders due
11/10 Bake Sale
11/13 Cook/Dyer Chattanooga Trip! 🚌
11/14 Cookie dough pick up (4-5:30)
11/20 Craft Day (more info to come)

IXL: ELA D22-23; F4;  B.1-10;  A.1-7; J; K; X3-9;
Math D2, D4, D10,  A10-11

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Weekly Info 11: Oct. 23-27

Welcome back from Fall Break!  We have gotten off to a great start this week!
Spelling AND Vocabulary: Greek Roots aud/audi and cred
Each week, students are expected to know what the words mean, be able to use them, and be able to spell them for their test on Friday.  Your spelling test Friday will have 20 words: this week’s words plus some of the previous weeks’ words.  Your vocabulary test will use these words plus may include review words.
Monday: Write spelling words in agenda and complete vocabulary match.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Work on your spelling and/or vocabulary choice extra credit if completing (due Thursday).
Thursday: Study this week’s words and review previous weeks’ words!  Finish cursive practice (on the back of the language review sheet).  If possible, take a practice spelling and vocabulary test, either on paper or at (LOGIN THROUGH CLEVER!)
audible audience audio audition auditorium
credential credible creditor creed incredulous

1. ________________________________________: (n) a group of people who gather together to listen to or watch
something; the people who watch, read, or listen to
2. ________________________________________: (adj) of or relating to the sound that is heard on a recording or
3.  ________________________________________: (n) a short performance to show the talents of someone

4.  ________________________________________: (adj) heard or able to be heard
5.  ________________________________________: (n) a large room or building where people gather to hear a
speech or watch a performance
6. ________________________________________: (n) a statement of basic beliefs of a religion; an idea or set of
beliefs that guides that actions of a person or group
7. ________________________________________: (adj) able to be believed; reasonable to trust or believe

8. ________________________________________: (n) a quality, skill, or experience that makes a person suited to
do a job
9.________________________________________: (adj) not able or willing to believe something; feeling or
showing lack of belief
10. ________________________________________:  (n) a person, bank, or company that lends money to someone

Grammar: parts of speech: verbs, progressive verbs

Reading Skills: plot, characterization & figurative language

Social Studies: The 13 Colonies/British Colonial America
History of Virginia - Wikipedia

Math: Multiplication & Division of
Whole Numbers
Factors and Multiples
Prime and Composite Numbers
Extra Practice on these skills- in Little G Math Book- pages 79-88 (not required.)

MATH HOMEWORK:  Students have one column of math problems daily, Monday-Thursday.  They get class time to work on them, so their homework is ONLY what they do not finish


Upcoming Events:
10/24 Sign & return REPORT CARDS
10/25 Purple Pinkies for Polio
10/26 CPA in-class presentations
10/27 Book Character Day
10/31 CPA for the judges
11/2 Picture retakes
11/10 Bake Sale
11/13 Cook/Dyer Chattanooga Trip!
11/20 Craft Day (more info to come)
Free vector graphic: Pumpkin, Jack-O-Lantern - Free Image on ...

CPA Info:
On Thursday, 10/26, bring your speech and visual aids (poster, trifold, props, etc.) to school for in-class practice.  This is a “dress rehearsal” though you don’t need to dress up.  We will provide feedback on your performance so that you can continue to improve until you present to the judges on Tuesday, October 31.

IXL: ELA B.1-10, A.1-7, J, K, X3-9;
Math D2, D4, D10,  A10-11

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


School pictures went home today with purple folders.  Please return or purchase as soon as you are able. 

CPA reports are due Thursday.  Posters are due the following Thursday (after Fall Break), 10/26.

Here is an electronic version of the field trip letter that went home today:

October 10, 2017

Dear 4th Grade Parents:

We are excited to announce our upcoming 4th grade field trip to Chattanooga, TN!  We will be visiting Tech Town where we will participate in a session on robotics and coding and a session on 3D design.  Afterward, we will eat a late lunch at CiCi’s Pizza.  (Students may bring a snack for the trip or get a school lunch snack.)  The cost for students is only $14 (payable to UCES).  Our ten classes will be spread out over 5 days to maximize our hands-on learning opportunities.  Each day, the bus will leave at 8 AM and return to UCES at approximately 4 PM.  It is imperative that your child arrive to school on time on their field trip day!  If they normally ride a bus to school, they will be here in plenty of time; however, we cannot hold our field trip bus for any tardy car riders.  Please note that you must make arrangements for afternoon pick up at school.  No buses will be available for afternoon transportation.  Thanks for your help with this!

Also, due to the size of the facility and to maximize the students’ learning opportunities on this trip, very little room is available at Tech Town for parents who are not official chaperones.  We are sorry for any disappointment that this may cause.  We will have many other opportunities at school this year for parent involvement!

Here are the dates for each of the five 4th grade groups:
Monday, 11/13 Cook/Dyer
Monday, 11/27 Hood/Hyde
Tuesday, 11/28 Jordan/Smith
Wednesday, 11/29 Burrell/Colwell
Thursday, 11/30 Todd/Youngblood

On the day of your child’s field trip, students must be at school no later than 7:45 AM.  We will return to UCES at approximately 4 PM.  Please have someone at school to pick up your child.

Please sign & return your child’s permission slip as soon as possible.  Payment for the trip is due no later than the school day before the trip.

Thank you!
The 4th Grade Teachers

*Students MUST have a signed permission slip to go on the trip. Thank you!