Monday, October 9, 2017

4.10 Weekly Info (*CPA too!)

Spelling AND Vocabulary: Greek Roots graph and photo
Each week, students are expected to know what the words mean, be able to use them, and be able to spell them for their test on Friday.  Your spelling test Friday will have 20 words: this week’s words plus some of the previous weeks’ words.  Your vocabulary test will uses these words plus may include review words.
Monday: Write spelling words in agenda and complete vocabulary match.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Work on your spelling and/or vocabulary choice extra credit if completing (due Thursday).
Thursday: Study this week’s words and review previous weeks’ words!  If possible, take a practice spelling and vocabulary test, either on paper or at (LOGIN THROUGH CLEVER!)
autograph graffiti graphite paragraph photocopy
photograph photon photosynthesis telegraph telephoto

1. ________________________________________: (n) the signature of a famous person

2. ________________________________________: (n) a part of a piece of writing that deals with one subject,
begins on a new line, and is made up of one or more
3.  ________________________________________: (n) a shiny, black substance that is used in pencils

4.  ________________________________________: (n) an outdated system of sending messages over long
distances by using wires and electrical signals
5.  ________________________________________: (n) pictures or words painted or drawn on walls, buildings,
6. ________________________________________: (n) a paper copy of a document or picture that is made with a
special machine
7. ________________________________________: (n) the process by which a green plant turns water and carbon
dioxide into food when the plant is exposed to light
8. ________________________________________: (n) a picture made by a camera

9.________________________________________: (n) a lens for a camera that makes far away objects appear to be
10. ________________________________________:  (n) a tiny particle of light or electromagnetic radiation

Grammar: parts of speech: nouns; punctuation: comma usage

Reading Skills: story elements & figuarative language

Social Studies: European Explorers: Columbus, Cabot, Balboa, & Cartier

IXL: ELA B.1-10, A.1-7, K section; Math W, X, Y, & Z
(In case you’d like to practice at home, these are our focus standards.)


Upcoming Events:
To schedule a conference, please go to either: for Mrs. Cook’s homeroom students or to  for Mrs. Dyer’s homeroom students.
10/14-22 FALL BREAK!
10/26 CPA in-class presentations
10/27 Book Character Day
10/31 CPA for the judges!

Free vector graphic: Pumpkin, Jack-O-Lantern - Free Image on ...

CPA Info:
CPA reports are due no later than this Thursday, 10/12.  Please time yourself reading your speech aloud and include the time at the end of your report.  If your time is less than 4 minutes, you do not yet have enough information and need to research and add more.
Over Fall Break, practice, practice, practice your speech!  Try to present to as many people as possible.  Grandparents, aunts and uncles, and family friends are all great audiences.  Your pets are good listeners too!  Practice!
On Thursday, 10/26, bring your speech and visual aids (poster, trifold, props, etc.) to school for in-class practice.  This is a “dress rehearsal” though you don’t need to dress up.  We will provide feedback on your performance so that you can continue to improve until you present to the judges on Tuesday, October 31.

Math: Measurement
-Addition and Subtraction

MATH HOMEWORK:  Students have one column of math problems daily, Monday-Thursday.  They get class time to work on them, so their homework is ONLY what they do not finish.

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