Sunday, March 11, 2018

Week 28: Mar. 12-15, 2018

Spelling AND Vocabulary: Greek Number Prefixes (1-10)
Each week, students are expected to know what the words/prefixes mean, be able to use them, and be able to spell them for their weekly test.  Your combined spelling/vocabulary test expects you to know what each word means AND be able to spell it correctly.
Monday: Write spelling words in agenda.  Look up the meaning of any words you do not know.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Work on your cursive practice.  Spelling and/or vocabulary choice extra credit if completing are due by Thursday.  Study this week’s words and review previous weeks’ words! Finish cursive practice (on the back of the language review sheet).  If possible, take a practice spelling and vocabulary test, either on paper or at (LOGIN THROUGH CLEVER!)   
Thursday: All homework due; spelling & vocabulary test (NO SCHOOL FRIDAY!)

1: mono- monochromatic monopoly monotonous monolithic
2: di- dilemma dioxide dissect
3: tri-    (review; no new words)
4: tetra-   tetrahedron   tetragram
5: penta- pentagon
6: hex- hexagon hexapod
7: hept- heptagon heptad
8: oct- (review; no new words)
9: ennea- enneagon ennead
10: dec- (review; no new words)

Reading Skills: cause/effect; figurative language; idioms, adages, and proverbs; realistic fiction
Grammar: parts of speech: verbs, progressive verbs, modal auxiliary verbs; adverbs; relative adverbs and adjectives; order of adjectives; interjections; punctuating dialogue; writing
Westward Expansion Book Club: Students are encouraged to read a book about westward expansion (historical fiction or nonfiction) and sign up by 3/15 to be part of our book club!  On 3/22, we will have breakfast together (provided) as part of our book club meeting.
Multiplying Fractions
Compare, add & subtract: 1/10 and 1/100ths
(Ex: 60/100 = 6/10;
so 6/10 +31/100=91/100)
MATH HOMEWORK:  Students have “Weekly Math Review 3.5” for homework. for Fact Practice!
(Keep practicing Multi-digit Multiplication
And Division.)   

Image result for adding fractions with tenths and hundredths examples
Social Studies:
Westward Expansion
Science: Sound- create instruments made from everyday objects- for an  Extra Credit Science Grade!
Soundwaves, Loudspeaker, Music, Noise, Speaker, Loud
Upcoming Events:
Return pictures/$$ as soon as possible!

3/13  Report cards go home to be signed & returned; Bowling Conduct Reward!  Wear tennis shoes. Bring $ for concession if you’d like.
3/15  Last day to sign up for book club
3/16  Teacher Workday (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
3/20  Unicorn Cotton Candy presales begin
3/21-3/29  Fitness Gram testing in PE
3/22  Book Club Breakfast
3/23  Sno Cones ($1 for 5th grade)
3/31-4/8  SPRING BREAK

*Weekly language/cursive reviews and weekly math reviews are due every Friday!
Extra Practice at IXL:
LA W; G; C9-11; D3-5; M6; D22-23; F4;  B.1-10; A; J; K; X3-9
Math S1-S13
SS K6, 5; C1-4

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