Monday, February 19, 2018

Week 25: Feb. 19-23

Spelling AND Vocabulary: Greek Roots   jur/jud and vis/vid 🔎
Each week, students are expected to know what the words mean, be able to use them, and be able to spell them for their test on Friday.  Your combined spelling/vocabulary test expects you to know what each word means AND be able to spell it correctly.
Monday: Write spelling words in agenda and complete vocabulary match.
Tuesday-Wednesday: Work on your cursive practice.  Spelling and/or vocabulary choice extra credit if completing are due by Thursday.  
Thursday: Study this week’s words and review previous weeks’ words!  Finish cursive practice (on the back of the language review sheet).  If possible, take a practice spelling and vocabulary test, either on paper or at (LOGIN THROUGH CLEVER!)   

judgment jurisdiction juror perjury prejudice
invisible televise video visitation visual

1. ________________________________________: (n) a member of a jury (a group consisting of members of the
public who are chosen to make a decision in a legal case)
2. ________________________________________: (n) an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group based on
race, gender, religion, etc.
3.  ________________________________________: (n) the power or right to make judgments about the law and to
arrest and punish criminals
4.  ________________________________________: (n) the crime of telling a lie in court after promising to tell the
5.  ________________________________________: (n) 1. a decision made by a court.  2. the ability to make good
decisions about what should be done.
6. ________________________________________: (n) the moving images that are seen in a recording or
broadcast; a movie, television show, or event that has been
recorded onto a videocassette, DVD, or other media so that
it can be watched again
7. ________________________________________: (v) to broadcast something by television

8. ________________________________________: (adj) impossible to see; not visible
9._________________________________________: (adj) relating to seeing or to the eyes

10. _______________________________________:  (n) an official visit by an important person, especially to look
at or inspect something; the act of visiting your children or
the rights to visit your children after you are divorced and
while they are living with the other parent

Reading Skills: cause/effect; figurative language; idioms, adages, and proverbs
Grammar: parts of speech: verbs, progressive verbs, modal auxiliary verbs; adverbs; relative adverbs and adjectives; order of adjectives; interjections; punctuating dialogue; writing
Multiplying Fractions
Compare, add & subtract: 1/10 and 1/100ths
(Ex: 60/100 = 6/10;
so 6/10 +31/100=91/100)
MATH HOMEWORK:  Students have “Weekly Math Review 3.5” for homework. for Fact Practice!
(Keep practicing Multi-digit Multiplication
And Division.)   

Image result for adding fractions with tenths and hundredths examples
Social Studies:
The Bill of Rights
Science: Sound- create instruments made from everyday objects- for an  Extra Credit Science Grade!  
Soundwaves, Loudspeaker, Music, Noise, Speaker, Loud
Upcoming Events:
2/19  MAKE-UP SCHOOL DAY (not a holiday)
2/21  Chick-fil-A All Pro Dad’s Day
2/27  Picture Day
2/28  Science Project Due- optional- extra credit
3/1     Last day for yearbook sales
*Weekly language/cursive reviews and weekly math reviews are due every Friday!
Extra Practice at IXL:
LA G; C9-11; D3-5; M6; D22-23; F4;  B.1-10;  A; J; K; X3-9
Math S1-S13
SS K6, 5

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